If our lives and our faith are centered on Jesus Christ and his restored gospel, nothing can ever go permanently wrong. On the other hand, if our lives are not centered on the Savior and his teachings, no other success can ever be permanently right.” Living the gospel does not mean the storms of life will pass us by, but we will be better prepared to face them with serenity and peace."
--President Howard W. Hunter, "Following the Master", Ensign, Apr 1995, 21
--President Howard W. Hunter, "Following the Master", Ensign, Apr 1995, 21
It's been really hard to try and blog lately, or facebook, or e-mail.....anything on the computer the past couple of weeks. I received immediate inspiration as soon as the Bishop asked me to recieve this calling to READ THE SCRIPTURES. I've also since last Saturday been fasting (I'm on day 6 of 10 days) to help me focus even more and prepare me for those things my Heavenly Father would have me do. I've read through the Book of Mormon once and have started again in the last 2 weeks. It's been wonderful reading straight through without stopping to study and ponder further, but am getting wonderful inspiration and enlightenment along the way. I will continue to read and re-read all the way through until I feel I am guided to do it differently.
The quote above I received this morning in e-mail from LDS nuggets. I love how these daily messages always pack such meaning into what is going on in my life THAT moment and always is just what I need to hear. I am ridding myself of things that really had me miserable these last few years....what started out as a hardship seemed to drag me down to almost unbearable circumstances because of the choices I made. Hardships will not cease to be and I know I will continue to be confronted with stumbling blocks, but because now I KNOW how much harder it is to be without Jesus as the center of my life I hope to be better prepared and gladly endure to the end.
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