Despite my birthday being on September 11th, I am able to enjoy my me-day again. A big part of that is due to my family, especially Brian, who loves to spend time with me and is great at feeding me. :)
A very lovely surprise awaited me the day before, when I came home from picking up Jack from school. A friend from church whom I've known since my family joined when I was 8yrs old and who I consider another mother figure in my life, brought these by the house while I was gone. Chris was home & accepted them from her, but unfortunately didn't know her name and when I asked if it was Carol he kept telling me no. He was describing what sounded like her though so I finally found a picture of her on facebook (in her son's pictures) and found out...yes that's exactly who the cupcake angel was. <3>

I did have to get up early to go to work...4am. Since I wasn't feeling well the day before and didn't go in. When I got home though, around 6:30am. Brian was up and had breakfast all ready for me and the kids. He always knows how to use a little flair with his presentation....this time using sriracha smileys. The one on the left looks a little like Jimmy Durante don'tca think?
He took the day off of work to spend with me and we relaxed all day together and went out to Miss_Saigon to have pho for lunch. Just what a girl needs on a rainy day....yummmm. Especially yummy w/sriracha (yes i'm addicted to the stuff) and hoisin.
The day ended w/an exciting evening out with the girls!!! Some friends who are mother's from school/swim team along with a slew of friends of friends...nurses, went for a fun fitness party to Xpose. I was cracking up laughing when I was first invited and found out what it was, but totally had to try it and I'm glad I did!!! They gave us fun names according to certain letters in our real names. I am "Princess Silver Thong", but only my girlfriends and hubby are allowed to call me that. ;) We started in a huge darkened room w/chairs where we did some fun, sexy, aerobic moves to upbeat music. We learned the names to these sexy moves and one by one we each had to perform one of these moves to the girlfriend on our right while she sat in her chair. I had to give Bev a "hair flip saute". She was very nice to me while I performed for her...hahaha. After we each did our thing we all did the routine again using all the moves we learned and at a faster pace. Then we moved into the Pole room! We learned how to spin, twirl and lots of other physically demanding things that were so much fun. We all agreed we sooo have to do this again!!! You definitely get a workout and it is way more fun than ANY fitness program I've ever done!!
Here are some very cute cards from the kids that made me smile. :D
Chris--yes I love elephants! also love his cheesy smiley!!
(you may want to click on some of these to enlarge and see everything written)
Morgan (Chris's good friend who spends LOTS of time w/us and went on vacation w/us this summer.) As you can tell I have given him a few haircuts and he likes pretending he has muscles...haha.
Corinne & Dani (Corinne's bff)--this was a huge card and they felt it was the best of the bunch. I loved it too.

Spencer--He didn't want to make me a card but the older boys made him. He has a hard time doing things like this because of his impaired fine motor skills so I was impressed!!!
Jack's love note he made me & Bri at school
Happy Birthday! Looks like it was a great day.
u just put me in the mood for coconut. and that pho looks like it has eyeballs floating in it.
fish balls!!!
Happy belated birthday! It sounds like you had an awesome time.
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