Still in the Womb
I hope you are all well.
We are already a month into the new year....pretty hard to believe. I feel like it was just yesterday when I was back home for the Holidays. The truth is, I have been down in Orlando putting together AB 3 for the last month. Things are moving along nicely. We are still in the middle of Preproduction with Elvis (our producer). He is bringing out the best in us like he always does. I think I will stop calling him Elvis and start referring to him as George.......as in George Martin (the 5th Beatle).
For those of you who don't know what the term "preproduction" means, I won't bore you with the gory details. I will say it is the most crucial part of making a record (other than writing the songs). It basically consists of sitting with the producer and making sure that the song's arrangements are solid. Does this verse need a different kick pattern? Does this riff have a smooth enough transition into that bridge? yada yada yada.
If one were to hear what we have completed thus far they might be led to believe that this is going to be a dark and heavy record...I am going to hold off on committing to that set of adjectives until the record is done and let you decide. How many times do you hear a musician (especially a Rock Musician) say "Dude, this record is gonna be the heaviest record of our career!" It gets kind of predictable. How refreshing would it be to hear a Rock artist describe his or her next record as "a collection of easy to digest radio singles that will please everyone from Soccer Moms to ABBA fans." Not that being a Soccer Mom is a bad thing......and I love ABBA!!!!! Who doesn't?
So what is happening with my Solo album? I'm trying to juggle my schedule so I can lay down the rest of my vocals and solos. Speaking of solos, yesterday Slash was kind enough to add some of his guitar genius to one of my tunes. As always, he knocked it out of the park! They don't call him one of the best guitarists of all time for nothing. I can't wait until you hear it.
I am still trying to figure out the best time to release my record. I have been inspired by those of you who have expressed that you are looking forward to it. It makes me happy to know that someone other than my Wife and dog will give it a listen.
I really do miss seeing all of you.....trust me, in the coming months I will return from the creative womb....back to a stage near you.
all the best
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